If you are getting close to retirement, you could be thinking of where you might like to live during your retirement years. You have taken all of the right steps since you were young and starting out in Orlando. You started saving early, maybe invested in a fixed annuity, and now it’s time to decide where you want to spend your retirement years. Where you live during your retirement years can have a huge effect on how well you enjoy them so, we wanted to go over a few of the top retirement states in the U.S.
According to CNN, Wyoming is the best state to retire in. Based on weather, the cost of living, quality health care, general well-being, and more, Wyoming made the top of the list when it comes to the best retirement states. However, it was Wyoming’s impressively low tax rate that pushed it to the top of the list. CNN says that its tax rate of 6.9% is only about half of that of New York’s tax rate.
Number 2 on the list is the gorgeous state of Colorado. With the Rocky Mountains as its backdrop, retirees can take advantage of a number of different enjoyable activities. Colorado residents are some of the happiest in the country and according to CNN, they have access to quality health care. However, Colorado does have one set back. The cost of living is fairly expensive compared to many other states.
In at number 3 on the list is Utah. Much like Colorado, Utah has a lot to offer. From hiking and skiing to plenty of other outdoor activities, retirees have plenty to enjoy in Utah. Utah residents also have access to quality health care and, unlike in Colorado, residents enjoy a low cost of living.
Be sure to keep up with our blog to learn more about the other top retirement states in the U.S.